Construction Waste Research

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1.1 Introduction to the Research This chapter covers on introduction of this research topic which is construction waste during the construction stage. This chapter also consists of background study, problem statement, aim and objectives regarding to the topic that have been studied. There are also brief elaborations on scope of research, significance of research, outline methodology and thesis structure included in this chapter. The purpose of this chapter is to introduce the research topic which is construction waste on the perspective of Malaysian Contractor. Besides, the researcher also stated about the problems regarding construction waste and also the effect towards environment and construction industry. There are also aim…show more content…
About 40% of construction waste generated worldwide comes from the construction industry and the major part of the waste was disposed on landfill site around the world (Udayangani, Dilanthi, Richard and Raufdeen, 2006). Construction waste is also a threat to the environment. The unavailability of landfill site to cover the higher amount of waste from the construction site is a serious problem and a day may come when sanctions are imposed on the disposal of construction waste (Udayangani et al., 2006). Construction waste also gives a negative impact to the environment, cost, time, productivity and social of the country. To reduce these negative impacts, it needs a comprehensive understanding of the construction waste management (Sasitharan, Ismail and Ade,…show more content…
Waste is unwanted product or material. According to Asmawati, Zulkiflee, Ismail, Ruslan, Basir and Halim (2013) construction waste also known as a solid waste generated from or produced by building construction, parking, bridges, roads, pavements, pipes or other structures. Construction waste consists of debris generated during the construction, renovation, and demolition of buildings, roads, bridges and all other work related to civil engineering (Siti et al., 2012). According to EPA (2008) as cited by Siti et al., (2012) construction waste may contain big and heavy materials including concrete, wood, asphalt (from roads and roofing shingles), steel, bricks, glass, plastics, PVC, trees, stumps, and rock from clearing sites. As stated by Vivian, Shen, Ivan and Wang (2007) some of the various materials type of construction waste are timber, metal, bricks, concrete, mortar, sand, glass and etc. The type of construction waste are listed as asphalt, brick, tiles, concrete, mortar, reinforced concrete, rock, rubble, sand, soil, ferrous metal, non-ferrous metal, glass, junk, fixtures, plastic, slurry, mud, trees, wood and other organics and garbage There are five major sources of construction waste including roadwork material, excavated material, demolition waste, site clearance and renovation waste. Khairulzan and Halim (2006) mentioned that construction
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