Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Case Study

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Chapter 1.0 Introduction Pseudomonas is a large genus of gram negative bacteria with in a vast family of pseudomonadaceae. They are characterised by their ability to utilise several organic compounds as energy sources. This class of bacteria has proved to a greater extent their physiologic versatility enabling them to inhabit a variety of habitats ranging from land to aquatic ecosystems (palleroni et al., 1992). Pseudomonas strain species have been of great concern to the scientific community due to their production of useful metabolic compounds. The potential of some of the pseudomonas species to act as biocontrol agents and plant growth promoters has been demonstrated on a wide scale through wet experiments also through in vivo genome analysis.…show more content…
Phaseolicola 1448a Factors promoting virulence Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an opportunistic bacteria that survive both in aquatic and soil environments, it affects a range of organisms ranging from animals, plants flies especially the fruit flies, aquatic creatures like the zebra fish (Clatworthy et al., 2009). It has notably been pointed out as a major human pathogen as it causes various infections like urinary tract diseases, chronic lung infection, infects wounds and also those whose immune system has been compromised (Silby et al., 2011). Proteases Pseudomonas strains with pathogenic potential are thought to produce alkaline proteases, these include factors like the aprA, LasA and LasB(Ramos et al., 2004), these are groups of enzymes that are capable of catlysing a group of peptide bonds hence act as nutrient providers to the invading microogranism(Cohen et al., 1990). Proteases are secreted by most pseudomonas strains and are important metabolic regulators as well a s influencing infenction in host cells, their classification depends on the position of cleavage in target proteins (Lebrun et al.,…show more content…
These are usually enzymes that hydrolyse complex carbon sources or proteins released as factors aiding in colonisation of new environments in host cells (Filloux et al., 2011). There are six types of secretory systems in pseudomonas bacterial, and these can be characterised by the type of molecule secreted or by their secretion mechanism, this implies that some systems transfer molecules such as proteins from the cytoplasm to the external environment through the membrane hence called one step secretory systems. Those transferring the protein molecule to the outer membrane through the periplasm are called two step secretory systems (Desvaux et al., 2009). Type I secretion

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