Employee Engagement Case Study

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Why Employee Engagement? As David Ulrich has put in his famous book Human Resource Champions (1996), employee contribution becomes a critical business issue because in trying to produce more output with less employee input, companies have no choice but to try to engage not only the body, but also the mind and the soul of every employee. Ulrich emphasizes two points here. First, the organization’s human capital becomes increasingly important because more has to be done with fewer people. So, people matter more than they did in the past. Second, modern organizations need employees who are able and willing to invest in their jobs psychologically. This is exactly what work engagement is about and the reason for both practitioner and academic communities…show more content…
Given this renewed emphasis on growth and investment, out of factors business leaders view as most critical to success, people-oriented “soft” factors dominate. The top three success factors identified in this study were achieving a high level of customer service, effective communications, and achieving a high level of employee engagement and strong executive leadership. This places employee engagement as a top-three business priority. This is the reason why employee engagement has become a popular theme at a time of profound changes in the world of work. Between 2000 and 2010 there was a sharp, yearly increase in the number of publications and, as at January 2013, around 1,600 papers have been published with “work engagement” or “employee engagement” in the title. Table 1 illustrates the popularity of engagement in business and among consultants. Table 1: The Popularity of Engagement (as in March 2008) Item The internet PsycINFO* Google Google scholar Anywhere In…show more content…
1. Engagement requires a work environment that does not just demand “ more ” but promotes information sharing, provides learning opportunities, and fosters a balance in people ’ s lives, thereby creating the bases for sustained energy and personal initiative. 2. Engagement happens when (a) employees have work that interests them and aligns with their values; and (b) employees are treated in a way that reinforces the natural tendency to reciprocate in
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