Causes Of Plastic Surgery

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I. Introduction The human persuasion of beauty and handsomeness has been in existence for long ages. Its heritage goes far back in time 150 years before Hippocrates’ age. 600 years B.C, Indians suffering from physiological deformation used to travel a long distance to visit Sushruta, who is considered as the first plastic surgeon, to perform earlobe and nose reconstructive surgeries [1]. At the current time, plastic surgery is one of the most successfully growing medical fields worldwide. About 12.6 billion dollars were spent on plastic surgery in the US in 2013 [2], and about 2.3 billion British pounds were spent on it in the UK in 2010 [3]. In this paper, plastic surgery definition, causes of performing plastic surgeries and the process of…show more content…
What Is Plastic Surgery? Whenever a person hears about plastic surgery, he or she only thinks about changing appearance for self-satisfaction. Nevertheless, plastic surgery is not only restricted to cosmetic surgery but also involves a wide range of other reconstructive and pediatric surgeries such as burn surgery, hand surgery, tumor removal, and microsurgery. With that mentioned, plastic surgery seems to have more than one accurate, but incomplete definition depending on different aspects and points of view. Plastic surgery does not refer to artificial plastic that we use in our daily lives. It is derived from the Greek word plastikē (πλαστική) which is the art of reshaping and changing [4]. This term may be conflicting to many people who have a slight amount of medical information. When they encounter it, the first thing that directly comes to their minds is cosmetic surgery. Plastic surgery that deals with altering body organs without having any medical issues is known as cosmetic surgery. According to Mayo Clinic, “Cosmetic surgery changes your appearance by altering parts of your body that function normally but do not look the way you want.” [5] Cosmetic surgery is usually focused on the cephalic part of the body, which includes checks, nose, ears, eyes, mouth, hair, and skin. As mentioned in Mayo clinic’s definition, cosmetic surgery does not treat dysfunctional organs of the body. From that point, the importance of another definition of plastic surgery that includes…show more content…
According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), “Reconstructive surgery is performed on abnormal structures of the body caused by congenital defects, developmental abnormalities, trauma, infection, tumors or disease.” [6] This definition upholds the idea that plastic surgery is not only limited to the cosmetic part, but also has therapeutic applications. Reconstructive surgery can be used to decrease the reason of millions of deaths worldwide. Experienced plastic surgeons can sometimes remove tumors by advanced surgical methods. For instance, removing skin cancer and the scars and marks that appear after the removal. Although the American Society of Plastic Surgeons’ definition seems to be comprehensive, this definition does not give us the full picture since it is restricted to treating defective organs and does not involve tissue transplantation and
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