Body Image Dissatisfaction

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Physical dissatisfaction and a trend towards aesthetic concerns elevated to the peak in the last few years. Physical dissatisfaction in individuals grabbed the attention of many psychologists and neurologists and quite a many researches are conducted to explore this complex area. These concerns are surrounded by a trendy culture drenched in assumed idealization, and a never satisfying urge for physical appearance. Many individuals cannot break away from the feelings of being valued on the basis of their appearance. As a result, they feel persistently insecure about themselves. Fashion industries take advantage of these beauty standards so that people become more inclined to, cosmetic interventions. The problem is not new to us but the point…show more content…
Grogan (2008) also defined body dissatisfaction as a person’s negative thoughts about his or her own body. This consists of judgments related to size and shape, muscle tone and commonly involves a contradiction between the image of one's own body type and an ideal body type. However, we can state that body image dissatisfaction or physical appearance dissatisfaction evolves as an expectation to be as an ideal self which may cause functional distraction. Most of the researches associated body image dissatisfaction in individuals with psychosocial factors that includes the psychological as well as social aspects towards interest in cosmetic procedures. Social factors include universal factors at the level of human society concerned with social structure and social processes that impinge on the individual. Psychological factors include individual-level processes and meanings that influence mental states. Sometimes, these words are combined as “psychosocial.” This is shorthand term for the combination of psychological and social, but it also implies that the effects of social processes are sometimes mediated through psychological understanding (Stansfeld & Rasul, 2007). Another trend commonly seen among the individuals interested in adopting cosmetic treatments is their motivation as in relation to social factors. Motivation can be explained as both internal and external. Nevid (2013), described motivation as the factors that activate, direct, and sustain goal-directed behavior... Motives are the "whys" of behavior - the needs or wants that drive behavior and explain what we do. We don't actually observe a motive; rather, we infer that one exists based on the behavior we observe." Sclafani in his article on psychological aspects of plastic surgery described that not all internal or external motivations are suitable

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