Antiwar Movement In Anti War

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The anti-war movement didn’t play a large role in the direct change of US policy towards Indochina, however it was able to restrict the escalation of the war and limit the military options up until 1973. The antiwar movement, played a minimal role in direct change of policy due to the fact that it was often disregarded by politicians such as the president, in terms of military decisions. The Antiwar-movement wasn’t too influential due to the fact that there were much larger factors in play such as loss of human life, and drain on the economy, in which was comparatively more significant in the decision making process of the US. However, the antiwar movement did play a part in the influence of the American public, which allowed for the restriction…show more content…
Although, the antiwar movement was very vocal and publicised all throughout America, The presidents often refused to alter, or change their policies to meet the demands of the antiwar movement. Both, President Lyndon B Johnson and President Dixon, consistently ignored the protests from both the anti- war movement and anti-war advisors and politicians. This means that the antiwar movement didn’t directly influence the U.S foreign Policy towards Indochina, as the most prominent law makers, didn’t submit. One Example of this Is when Sen. William Fulbright Challenged President Johnsons policy for American Intervention into Vietnam. Sen. Fulbright, who was regarded as a hero to the Anti-war movement, opposed the legality of the American interference. Nonetheless, Lyndon order US planes on bombing missions, such as operation Rolling Thunder, on North Vietnam. Through his stubbornness on American Intervention we can see that his policy wasn’t directly and explicitly influenced by the antiwar…show more content…
Issues such as Lack of reason for fighting, Financial drain, and the failure of the war caused a far greater shift in American policy makers opinions, hence deeming the movement insignificant.. American Policy makers eventually came to the realisation that it was a war not worth fighting, a conclusion derived mainly from factors other than the anti-war movement. The Economic drain on which it had on the American government was a Factor in which outshined the Anti-war movement. Over the course of the war, the American Government spent $173 billion dollars, not including the depletion of the workforce. This, when paired with the unsuccessful nature of the war and lack of reasoning, were the main reasons for the eventual withdrawal from Indochina. American politicians, began to acknowledge the fact that the war was one not worth fighting, regardless of the anti-war movement. Due to its comparative insignificance, the American anti-war movement, played a minor role in the influence of US Policy towards

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