Nestle Quality Case Study

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In today’s contemporary society, most businesses do not achieve success because they introduce an innovative idea to the market, but rather the service and expertise they provide for their customers. According to Datar, et al. 735, quality can be defined as “the total features and characteristics of a product or a service made or performed according to specifications to satisfy customers at the time of purchase or during use.” Being one of the key factors for a company’s success, quality has become an integral competitive tool, thus having the ability to damage a company’s reputation very early in its life. Nestle, a food and Beverage Company primarily located in Vevey, Switzerland has developed into one of the most valuable companies in the…show more content…
An ethical uproar was caused as it was reported that Nestle SMA Pro Formula milk was causing infants illness by promoting bottle feeding and discouraging breastfeeding. This issue was prompted by concern about Nestlé's "aggressive marketing" of breast milk substitutes mainly among the underprivileged. The boycott has since been cancelled and renewed based upon study of Nestlé business practices and observed by the International Baby Food Action Network…show more content…
Though Nestle made an attempt to contact Catt Taylor over her experience using the formula, not enough interest was placed in handling the situation and therefore the company did not engage personally with customers to aid in rectifying the problem. Therefore, it should be noted that as the business grows, in order to maintain a high-quality company-customer relationship the company needs to have a clear understanding of the needs of a customer and do what must to be done to satisfy these needs as best and as economically as

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