Case Study Of Chocolate And Chocolate

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Part 3: Marketing 1. Market Research Initial period, target market of The Queen is young people aged 15-24 year old in Ho Chi Minh City. Ho Chi Minh City is the most crowded city in Vietnam with 6.405 million people (Vietnam Demographics Profile 2014, 2014). In age structure of Vietnam, 17.8% of population is a group aged from 15 to 24 years old, so there are over 1.1 million young people in this city. This is a huge number comparing with other cities such as Hanoi (0.525 million) and Da Nang (0.148 million). The group age has high education level. In particular, 71.4% of young people aged 15 – 19 and 69.6% of that aged 20 – 24 accomplished lower or upper secondary school, and higher education (VietNam Population and Housing Census 2009,…show more content…
These are fundamental and available in our products. The reason is that chocolate contains a lot of nutrition values and health benefits because of cacao bean. Many studies indicate that cacao includes essential minerals and vitamins such as magnesium, A, B, B2, B3, C, E and protein (Nutrition Facts for Cocoa and Chocolate). In other size, phenethylamine of cacao will help customers to relax and become happier by natural antidepressant and increasing endorphins (Ashton, 2013). Moreover, cacao has abilities to improve heart health, reduce blood pressure and encourage brain thinking faster (Breyer,…show more content…
We will also have similar products with them because of unpredictable demand from customers. Besides that, typical interior design is unique. That could be called as “the winner of Saigon”, a combination between white walls, yellow or blue light and western furniture like chair and table. While Vietnam only have 2 seasons, this design will be very interesting with Vietnamese. Actually, this idea has not completed yet, which is due to the lack of a relevant designer. 5. Pricing The most important, our purpose is to maintain the market share. For this reason, the chocolate – café will be established at the competitive price with our main competitors. We also have to create switch costs to tie the customers into our products and prevent direct competitors in the future. In consideration, other factors are the location cost and remaining net profit. These factors will be balance with our purpose. Finally, we set the price for our products from 23,000 VND to 40,000 VND. After one month, we will adjust the prices based on some pricing alternatives such as cost based-pricing and demand-based pricing. 6. Place

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