Essay On Power Generation In Pakistan

957 Words4 Pages
Power generation in Pakistan and ways to improve it Total installed power generation capacity is almost 23GW in Pakistan. Electricity demand increases at anaverage rate 8 percent per annum. Pakistan has an installed electricity generation capacity of 22,797MW. The average demand is 17,000MW. In the next 10 years, peak electricity demand is expected to rise by four to five per cent, which is roughly 1,500MW.tricity Pakistan , a 61 years old state has still not been able to meet its electricity demand of power and generation. Its not self sufficient in energy production and faces huge energy crises now a days , where electricity is generated by three ways mainly, at present: • hydel 33% • thermal 65% • nuclear 2% There are 20 independent power producers. Two public sectors that produces electricity in Pakistan are : • WAPDA which operates 11 stations. • K-electric which operates 4 stations. Hydel power generation : • tarbela dam 1750MW • mangla dam 900MW Presently, country is falling short of 4500MW of power. And according to survey power crises is mainly due to power line losses which can be as much as…show more content…
World is producing 41% power through the coal while Pakistan is producing only 1% from coal and 36% from oil. Pakistan is facing high shortage of electricity i.e approximately 7000MW because of its heavy reliance on the expensive source of energy i.e oil based power generation. It needs to convert RFO based steam power plants into coal based power plants for significant reduction in power cost and tariffs for public i.e upto 50% or should focus on hydel power plants. Whereas, prices of coal is more stable than oil and gas in international markets therefore to move on to coal from thermal power plants is cost effective too. Pakistan could generate 20000 MW from

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