The Holy Spirit In Pentecostal Liturgy

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Introduction In the following assignment I will discuss the definition liturgy and I will also explain the work of the Holy Spirit in Pentecostal Liturgy under the subsections and areas of the leading of the Holy Spirit, the gifts of the Spirit and the role of the leader in facilitating the intervention of the Holy Spirit. IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Read and study the prescribed material for this study unit and complete the assignment here below. The purpose of the assignment is to guide you to achieving the outcomes as well as to provide you with a compact set of notes for your preparations for the exam. You will receive a mark for each assignment which will contribute to your participation mark. Assignments are only accepted via eFundi and must…show more content…
Some people go as far to call the liturgy of a church service the “program” of the service. 2.) Explain the work of the Holy Spirit in Pentecostal Liturgy. (400- 600 words) Pentecostal Church services are known or branded by an evident appearance or manifestation of the Holy Spirit. In order to explain the work of the Holy Spirit in Pentecostal Liturgy we oath to focus on how the Holy Spirit works. The Holy Spirit works in many ways but there are three main points that is applicable in Pentecostal liturgy which is the leading of the Holy Spirit, the gifts of the Holy Spirit and the role of the leader facilitating the intervention of the Holy Spirit (NWU, 2013). - The leading of the Holy…show more content…
Spiritual gifts are gifts of grace and they are meant to be used to strengthen the Church. The Church is designed to function as a physical body functions. God equips believers for their tasks through the gift of the Holy Spirit and a variety of spiritual gifts. The Pentecostal Church focusses especially on the spiritual gifts listed in 1 Corinthians 12:8-10, which are speaking in tongues, the interpretation of tongues, prophecy, a word of wisdom, a word of knowledge, the discernment of spirits, faith, gifts of healing and the working of powers or miracles (the supernatural) (NWU, 2013). The gifts of the Spirit should be handled and practiced in an orderly matter, as God is a God of order. The gifts of the Spirit should not interrupt each other but flow in unison with what the Spirit is doing and it should be manifested in love and humility towards God and others (NWU,

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