Essay On Negative Body Image

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Introduction A good body image creates in a person a positive attitude towards oneself. As people grow older and start to become aware about their appearance, body image becomes one factor that influences their lives. People have different outlook and perception about their body, ranging from extremely negative to very positive. What is regarded to be society's standards may not always correspond to one’s perception of his/her own body. Having a good body image helps an individual improve oneself. Negative body image or Body Image Dissatisfaction is when people feel uncomfortable and not satisfied with their looks and they think and see about themselves in a negative way (ReachOut, 2015). It consists of a deformed perception of body size or shape, also feelings of awkwardness, shame and anxiety about the body. Body image dissatisfaction is common to children, adolescents and older women. According to National Institute on Media and the Family (2015) at age thirteen, 53% of American girls are "unhappy with their bodies”. It develops to 78% by the time girls turn seventeen. There is a study on fifth graders wherein 10 year old…show more content…
According to the different studies, girls are not satisfied with their weight but both boys and girls have problems in their perception of their body. There are many factors that could affect one’s body image. Most of them gives a negative impact like the comparison, pressure and media that could lead to a negative body image of an individual. Most of the studies on selfie are about young adults. People are hesitant to take selfies because they think and feel that they might look unattractive. On the other hand, analyzing and editing carefully the selfies could be helpful and be a therapeutic negotiation to girls. Selfie could be relevant to finding our true selves. Nowadays, brilliant photographers had made selfie taking techniques to be a guide in taking the perfect
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