Biology Personal Statement

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My interest in biology has grown and developed throughout my years in education. I first became interested during comprehensive school and was intrigued by the levels of knowledge and the enthusiasm displayed in the subject by my teachers. They sparked the initial curiosity and the desire within me to expand and develop my personal knowledge of the subject. Having always been intrigued by nature and how life on earth has evolved over the millennia, I wanted to learn more about their impacts and the influences on life as we know it today. As I learned more, I developed skills and abilities and a deeper understanding of the subject, which caused me to realise it was my desire to pursue a career in biology or in the field of research. These are the primary motives behind my wish to attain a university degree, which will hopefully progress…show more content…
As stated previously, my curiosity for the subject has only grown and there are several aspects of particular interest to me; including: evolution, genetics and disease. The other subjects I am studying (Chemistry and Geography) have assisted me whilst studying biology as they are complementary in several areas. Studying organic chemistry has been a big advantage as it has improved my understanding of many of the elements of biology. Examples include chemical and metabolic processes within the body, along with determining molecular structures like DNA, proteins etc. It has helped improve my practical skills and resulted in me becoming more confident within a laboratory due to carrying out numerous investigations, enabling me to work at a more advanced level in a lab. Geography has also helped me as it has allowed me to learn about sections of biology in more detail. For example, the way ecosystems develop and how biodiversity varies between geographical areas on a global

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