Biology Personal Statement

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I still remember the excitement I felt when I saw cells under a microscope for the first time. I knew then that I would study Biology at the University. Cells never fail to amaze me; these highly-sophisticated micro machines built out of membranes, organelles and proteins are truly a triumph of form and function! My curiosity in Biology, especially in cells, grows as the level of detail I learn gets deeper. For example, the process of protein synthesis, an ingenious mechanism that carefully assembles amino acid chains and holds them in shape. As well as the molecular aspect, I also enjoyed my field trip to North Wales, where I learned more about the discipline of Ecology in 3 different ecosystems. Investigating vegetation succession on sand…show more content…
student researching microbial diversity based on macro genomics. I was able to do independently PCR and gel electrophoresis and learned what it was like to work in a busy lab. In another placement in China I was lucky enough to use some recombinant DNA technologies. Matt Ridley's 'Genome' widened my understanding of how hereditary information in humans directly affects certain traits. Having a comprehensive knowledge of human genomics has enabled me to appreciate life as the expression of billions of combinations of the 4-letter alphabet of DNA. I also read 'New Scientist' and 'Biological Sciences Review'. I particularly enjoyed following Dr Sara Jabbari's research into the use of a mathematical approach to solving biological problems. By taking an online course on FutureLearn, I explore how basic genetics can influence cancer. Communicating in English as a foreign language and studying History of Art at AS level helped me express myself in writing essays. This ability has increased my confidence with my Biology Issue Report on Melanoma and also my EPQ, which investigates setting up a mammalian cell tissue culture in the school laboratory. This project was inspired by my placement this summer, studying mesenchymal stem cells, an established cell line derived from tumour

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