Marine Biology Personal Statement

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Ever since I was five years old, I’ve wanted to be a marine biologist. At the ripe age of two, my love for sea turtles and turtles in general sparked and that fire has not sputtered out to this day. The thought of working with sea turtles, living on the coast, and spending my days in the ocean has always interested me and as the time for deciding what to do with the rest of my life quickly approaches, I have decided that I am not going to stray from my long lasting dream. While doing this research, I found some factors of being a marine biologist that weren’t as glamorous as I’d believed all these years but I am not discouraged. To achieve my dream of being marine biologist, I will have to get my Bachelor’s degree, get my Ph.D., and gain experience by interning at an aquarium or marine laboratory.…show more content…
The marine ecology and oceanography classes that are offered in universities here can help further a student’s education and help on their journey to becoming a marine biologist. Although Indiana University offers a Bachelor’s degree in marine biology, I plan to take the courses related to marine biology and my general education courses at IPFW then transfer to a coastal university. In doing this, I can assure that this is the path I want to take before I move across the country only to discover that marine biology isn’t my calling after all. After transferring, I can complete my Bachelor’s degree in marine biology and, after four years of schooling, I can take the next step on my journey to my

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