How Did The Corrupt Government Of Rome

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The historic city of Ancient Rome fell because of its emperor’s decisions and the changing of the outside world. While other countries were developing new technologies to do more work faster, Rome was depending on their slaves to do work for them. Rome’s government and politicians were corrupt. They betrayed each other for power. The economy was failing and constant warfare needed to be funded. The opinions on life were changing in Rome. Rome was not in any condition to fight the Barbarian armies coming to take their land. Corruption The corrupted government of Rome was a major cause to its downfall. The emperors of Rome desired power. Many of the emperors were dictators. They didn’t want anyone to come between them and absolute power. In the case of…show more content…
In order to get soldiers to fight they had to pay them large amounts of money. This meant that taxes must be raised. An Emperor named Caracalla was one of many emperors who increased taxes. Caracalla raised the pay of soldiers by 50%. He doubled the amount that taxpayers had to pay. This upset many people, but no one immediately acted out against the taxes. Near the end of the Roman Empire the taxpayers had enough. They turned on the Emperor for the high taxes the last 3 Emperors had raised. Because Rome was always at war it had to worry about defending itself. The proper funding required a large amount of money. Rome struggled to avoid bankruptcy because they were funding their military and hosting gladiator games in the Colosseum amounted to ½ of Rome’s total income. Rome needed more money and fast otherwise the empire would collapse on itself. Rome started creating more money lowering its value. Items started costing more money. Inflation was taking over Rome. Money was worthless. The only way to obtain items was through trading other items for them. One of the greatest civilizations in the world had to barter to exchange

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