Bilbo Heroism

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The Hobbit is a deep, complex novel that is open to many different perspectives. Tolkien planned this, as he was the sort of wizardly author that deliberated on every word, for he had realized each word held influence. The themes and motifs suggested in the fantasy are no coincidence; he was incapable of a meaningless or inconsequential thought. Themes and motifs form the attitude of this story, and Tolkien’s unique intent was to teach some sort of lesson. The most outstanding theme in The Hobbit is heroism. To be exact, it is Bilbo’s ascension from the mere tea-enthusiast to the resourceful, courageous hobbit hero. For example, Bilbo fainted in the beginning of the book simply by reading a list of protocol and to-do’s. Towards the end, Bilbo stood strong against a dragon. The trials Bilbo endure are perfect examples of a…show more content…
The purpose of this transformation could represent the sacrifice of England’s people during World War I. During the years of the war, the English common folk willed themselves to increase production of goods while rationing food themselves. In a philosophical interpretation, the change could hail the hidden hero in every person. A catalyst or emotional event could trigger the development of heroism, as in Bilbo’s case. Another theme in The Hobbit is family heritage and race. In the story, each character’s personality is based on where they came from. For example, Bilbo is good, because hobbits are known as benevolent folk similar to elves and dwarves, while all goblins are considered evil. It is possible that races are meant to assume the reality-world role of other European nations: the good
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