Alan Turing's Accomplishments

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Deemed the “Father of Artificial Intelligence”, Alan Mathison Turing was a cornerstone regarding advancements in applicable mathematics throughout the first half of the 20th Century. “Math” was literally Turing’s middle name. Throughout the course of his life, Turing was heavily interested in using his own, original ideas for the purpose of solving problems. That, combined with his scientifically brilliant mind foreshadowed the fact that this man was going to provide something astronomical to society. Alan Turing’s greatest accomplishments were in the areas of artificial intelligence, computer science, and code breaking, among many others. Turing had the idea that at a point in the relative future, computers would have the ability to “think”…show more content…
This is made apparent by his thoughts, work and research regarding Artificial Intelligence after returning from the war. First though, Turing was asked by the National Physical Library in London to design his own computer (O’Connor). After learning more and more about electronics throughout his time served in the war along with Turing’s superiors now understanding the necessity of having a computing system that runs on programmable software, the time could not be more right for the “Father of Artificial Intelligence” to focus his mind on developing an actual computer (“Alan Turing”). Turing began his design for the Automatic Computing Engine (ACE for short), which was the first ever electronic, digitally stored computer. His original design nearly mirrors the makeup of those forms of general-purpose computers of the modern era. Although spot on with his design, the amount of storage he set out to be had in this computer was regarded as overambitious by many which caused many problems and delays in regards to the continuation of ACE (Copeland). If Turing’s original design would have been engineered, it would have more storage and faster speeds than anything else like it during that time. This is the point where Alan Turing’s vision stemming from his early thoughts regarding decidability could actually become a reality. He was able to implement his idea of a hypothetical machine to where it could read and react to a certain

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