Sabah In The Philippines

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Background of study Before being handed over to Malaya to form a federation of Malaysia in 1963, Sabah was ruled by the Sultanate of Sulu (Church,2003). In the middle of the 17th century the Sabah was given to the Sultan of Sulu by Sultan of Brunei as a symbol of thanksgiving for helping Brunei. The Sabah was awarded by Brunei Sultan Abdul Hakkul Mubin to the Sulu Sultan Salah-ud-Din Karamat Bakhtiar for helping to settle a civil war dispute against Pengiran Bongsu Muhyuddin (Samad & Bakar, 1992). South East Asia attracts the European by rich minerals and spices resources. Between the year 1878 to 1946 the North Borneo was under control of British colonial power. In the year 1963 Sabah was merged with Malaya and become one of state in the…show more content…
Research question 1) What is the problem Sabah brought into Malaysia and Philippines relation? 2) What is the impact faced by Malaysia and Philippine in diplomatic ties, economic ties, social and security? 3) What are the policies of both countries toward Sabah? 4) How both Malaysia and Philippine solve the issues arise by Sabah? Research objectives 1) To study the problem arises by Sabah between Malaysia and Philippines. 2) To study about the impact to the bilateral relation of Malaysia and Philippines. 3) To study about the policies toward Sabah. 4) To study how both country solve the problem in Sabah. Significance of study Through this research, new knowledge would appear that explained the problem that Sabah brought to the Malaysia and Philippines bilateral relation through reading and analyzing which could give a clear understanding on how both countries manage to solve the problem raised by Sabah. Theoretical framework 1) Neoclassical…show more content…
Research methodology This paperwork seeks to investigate the consequences of the Sabah to Malaysia and Philippines and its effect on the relationship between both countries. Furthermore, the problem arises between both countries regarding the issue and diplomatic attempt by those countries. The secondary data used such as research articles, books, chronologies, newspapers, encyclopedias and official documents would be used to get understanding the problems. Internet resources like web pages, blog also use in research for the motive to understand the problem. Literature

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