Becoming A Probation Officer

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Being a Probation officer can be rewarding yet stressful and in some cases a dangerous job. Probation officers are required to have a Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice or social work, a successful Probation officer needs more than a college degree; they need a range of skills and training to effectively deal with a huge caseload of offenders and assist them with successfully completing their probation. Probation officers must be able to communicate clearly in both writing and speech. Their people skills must be excellent and their ability to communicate without creating tension with the probationers and their families is an exceptional skill. Today I met with Mr. Earl Dotson, from the Winnebago County Adult Probation office…show more content…
It’s a step towards his networking with the community Question 2 What are the functions of a Probation officer? Probation officers are given a caseload of individuals on probation and are required to supervise and guide them through their probation process. If the probationer violates their probation we are responsible for investigating and or revoking the violation if necessary. Question 3 “Effective listening involves being an active, engaged, critical and rationally aware listener who recognizes and overcomes the many obstacles to listening encounters in everyday communication” (Duck, 2011). What type of skills or training do you have in relation to this and probation? As a probation officer I have the capability to form relationships. I build an understanding with my client and get him to open up and listen to direction. I keep a good relationship with the community, the families of my client, local service agencies and other support organizations that aid in getting my clients back on their feet by listening and communicating with…show more content…
I’ve had non-verbal communication training that give emphasis to on techniques and tools that help bring out the stages of discomfort in my clients. Verbal communication, training on Open end questioning which acquaints us with the perception of verbal communication, Paraphrasing which helps with understanding the skills required for paraphrasing, Role playing which brings out comfort levels associated with reflective feelings, Asking effective questions , Focusing, Appropriate use of silence and Confronting Question 5 “Listening well improves your effectiveness because it sets in motion a positive mutually rewarding process that encourages honesty, understanding and a feeling of security” (Hagevik, 1999). What have you done to improve your communication skills? I have done many things in college that require oral and written communication skills. I have investigated and written responses to grievances, probation reports, furlough reports and case management documents. I talk to people in the public, defendants and attorneys on a daily basis, writing and using the dictionary, reading and working in the county jail environment has improved my communication. Question

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