The Pros And Cons Of Recidivism

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Recidivism is known as the behavior of a repeat or habitual criminal. It is a measurement of the rate at which offenders commit other crimes. This can be measured by arrest, conviction baselines, or after being released from incarceration. There are many theories as to help reduce recidivism to prevent the overcrowding of prisons and so forth. However, the truth and reality remains that recidivism is a constant battle and challenge faced every day in our prison systems. Some look to probation and parole as ways to help reduce recidivism and the issues that surround it; however, these two prongs do not always play in that favor as detailed below. B. Probation Issues: Probation is a sentence whereby a convict is released from confinement; however, they are still under the court’s supervision. Probation can be a sentence given in lieu of incarceration, or it can suspend a prison sentence if the offender has demonstrated good behavior. The probation concept in criminal law was inspired by John Augustus, whom is known as the father or probation. This became an option for federal judges with the 1925 passage of the Federal Probation Act (18 U.S.C.A. § 3651). There have been many studies given on recidivism rates as it relates to probation. In all of the studies located thus far…show more content…
The key in reducing recidivism when it comes to parole is getting them the help they need as soon as they are released. It is unfortunate that some do not receive this, or max- out their sentence receiving no help at all; therefore, resulting in higher recidivism rates. Parole helps some in reducing recidivism, but then again the studies and statistics are so controversial that there seems to be no real true set in stone answer on the subject. (“It’s here, but will it reduce

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