Social Impact Of Unemployment

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Background According to Stats SA's unemployment is defined as “unemployment is someone aged between 15 and 64 who is without work in the week preceding the interview, but who looks for work and is available to take up employment or open a business, and “according to the ILO guidelines, a person is unemployed if the person is (a) not working, (b) currently available for work (c) seeking work. Unemployment is a social issue that affect both the humans and the society. Unemployment is the state of being without work when and being unable to find work, hence actively searching for work. Crime rate increase because people become desperate, they end up stealing peoples belonging and doing house robberies hence we facing a high rate of crime and people…show more content…
Most companies need people who have skills. Every citizen has the right so equality meaning we are all entitled to equal opportunities, bursaries should be given to all students who deserve it. Job opportunities should be given to all citizens. Every citizen has the right so equality meaning we are all entitled to equal opportunities, bursaries should be given to all students who deserve it. Job opportunities should be given to all citizens, in the workplace managerial positions should be applied by every employee. In that way people would all be treated equally. Shortage of jobs Our government should see to it make job creation one of the important issues and we as South African citizens should depend on what the government does or does not we need to also make it our priority to create self-employment. The government should stop spending money unnecessarily and start using money for projects and programmes for the spend a lot of money on political campaigns that are not efficient enough to create employment HIV/AIDS People who are suffering from disease such as HI/AIDS increase unemployment rate because they are always absent from work, and as a result the companies that they work for spend a lot of money on ensuring that they get proper…show more content…
Policies such as the monetary policy are considered to be effective. Low interest rates permit people not to cut off their spending. If the monetary policy is not efficient enough the fiscal policy is used, here the government reduces taxes. Government should stop spending money unnecessarily; it should spend money on things that would also help boost the economy and activities that are focusing in creating employment. In order to keep citizens without jobs occupied they should work voluntarily at voluntary programme, this would keep away them from being involved in crime scenes or any other scenes that could endanger their lives. Government should consider spending money on training facilities, where people especially the youth would learn, acquire knowledge and most importantly skills, such training facilities will give people a chance to consider starting their own businesses while others will get permanent jobs. Creation of learnerships for the youth would come very handy and help most youth. The youth can also be encouraged to attend school and further they
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