Avon Marketing Strategy

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Avon Mission Statement “The Global Beauty Leader We will build a unique portfolio of Beauty and related brands, striving to surpass our competitors in quality, innovation and value, and elevating our image to become the Beauty company most women turn to worldwide. The Women's Choice for Buying We will become the destination store for women, offering the convenience of multiple brands and channels, and providing a personal high touch shopping experience that helps create lifelong customer relationships. The Premier Direct Seller We will expand our presence in direct selling and lead the reinvention of the channel, offering an entrepreneurial opportunity that delivers superior earnings, recognition, service and support, making it easy and rewarding…show more content…
Avon has been a beauty symbol for over 125 years. From the beginning Avon’s founder David McConnell wanted to empower women. Avon Founder David H. McConnell presented women a scarcity in 19th century America: a chance at financial freedom. In 1886, it was virtually doubtful of for a woman to run her own business. In those days not many women in the United States were working outside the home, let alone climbing the corporate ladder. McConnell a visionary leader, a pioneer in empowering women. McConnell offered women the prospect to create and control their own businesses through what later became known as direct selling. It connected women, who were otherwise secluded and engrossed in domestic life, in what the company calls “the original social network.” Avon is all about communities and giving back. It’s always had a social purpose which is front and center alongside the…show more content…
Women from all over the world, including countries like North America, India, have been dealing with, challenging and altering gender inequalities since the olden times. A great example today of women empowering women is Secretary Hilary Clinton. Clinton believes that, as women progress, everyone in society benefits, including men because when women are at the table much more can be accomplished. In most cultures women are measured as the core of the family, yet in the era of political control women suffer most especially in countries like India. Today Avon continues its work creating entrepreneurs from all over the world. “As the world's biggest direct vendor, Avon markets leading beauty, fashion and home products to women in more than 100 countries through more than 6 million active self-determining Avon Sales Representatives.” “Avon has been devoted to enhancing the lives of women. Because a woman cannot truly be empowered if her health or safety is at risk, Avon’s commitment to fighting breast cancer and ending domestic violence against women has been a fundamental component in empowering millions of women around the globe for the past two decades. ” Avon is much more than beauty products. It is about trust to be able to live and work in an environment where you can communications openly, being free to take risks, share your points of view and be
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