Athletic Training Career

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The career field I’m studying to be is a athletic trainer because it is something I would enjoy, interests me, and would make me happy while paying decent money. Athletic trainers make pretty good money and over 80% of the people with this occupation enjoy it. The history behind athletic training is pretty short and brief. Athletic training started off in the olympic games in the early 20th century and became more prominent as years went by and as the National Athletic Trainers Association (NATA) was formed about 30 years after athletic training became an actual occupation. When is was first made, the NATA was more popular in the larger countries such as Canada, Japan, and the United States. Once football became a professional sport in the…show more content…
There are now over 16,000 people employed as Athletic Trainers while the current employment trends are faster than average at over 19 percent. Most athletic trainer jobs are related to sports, although many also work in nonsports settings. About a third of athletic trainers worked in health care, including jobs in hospitals, offices of physicians, and offices of other health practitioners. Another third were found in public and private educational services, primarily in colleges, universities, and high schools. About 20 percent worked in fitness and recreational sports centers. There are many duties that athletic trainers must fill. They develop and cultivate contacts with referring physicians, businesses, schools, coaches and other referral sources. They must utilize appropriate, sound and uptodate clinical techniques to effectively assess and treat athletic injuries. Also provides athletic training services to patients and athletes as required. A big part is to provide input as to the fitness and conditioning status of athletes. They must complete all training documentation in a timely manner. They coordinates preand postparticipation exams and acquires protective equipment…show more content…
Most places offer several types of insurance including: Health, Dental, Vision, ShortTerm Disability (employer paid), LongTerm Disability (employer paid), Life Insurance, AD&D (2x annual salary, employer paid), Health Savings Account, Flexible Spending Account, and Benefit Allowance. There are also good professional developments including tuition reimbursement and certification/degree bonus. Also, one of the most important thing a person looks for is a retirement plan. As an athletic trainer you can receive a 401(k) Plan and/or possibly a defined contribution plan. It also includes good work/life balance. It can include: generous vacation, sick pay, holiday and bereavement leave (when someone dies), compressed work weeks, and flextime. Some places every buy you a free pair of shoes once a year. Depending on some places, travel can cause a big havoc though. Being on a college or professional team can cause you to be away from home and your family for short to long periods of time. Another hazard would also be income fluctuations. The pay of a athletic trainer may vary at times if they work with individual athletes instead of a set pay

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