Assess Individual Personality

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Critically Assess Individual Personality / Attitude As Practised In The Organization “COMING TOGETHER IS A BEGINNING; KEEPING TOGETHER IS PROGRESS; WORKING TOGETHER IS SUCCESS” -----HENRY FORD Personality The sum of total ways in which an individual reacts to and interacts with others, is a personality. (Robbins, et al., 2012) . Personality as practiced in the organization always found differ from person to person. It helps to understand the behavior of the employee. One could be highly motivated, other maybe not. Personality is determined by the character and…show more content…
Attitude define the working culture of an individuals , their involvement, satisfaction, and their mental state which shows , the degree to which they affect their work , how effectively they involved in the job and affirmative feeling towards the job. According LEON FESTINGER attitude always follow behavior. (Robbins, et al., 2012) Attitude keep on changing as the situation gets changes. This may be in the favor of the current condition or averse to it. If conditions follows own norms, the individual attitude will not be get affected, once it turns to any other form, attitude get changes. Attitudes basically learned, not born with it. There are certain forces such as, personal values, experience, family, personality, organisation & society formed attitude. (MOSHAL,…show more content…
(Robbins, et al., 2012). In the organization motivation is required at a high level, to attain a certain goal, individuals need to be motivated, and to achieve something in life u must be fully. In organization Maslow’s Hierarchy is base for others. Managers use motivational theories to help employees in order to achieve targets, so that they can work fruitfully, with high efficiency. To be a good leader, once should know, how to work with employees, the way they can get motivated. In the definition three word has been used intensity (that shows how hard the individual can work to achieve the goal), direction (work on the same direction) and how individual is persistence or constantly working towards
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