Artificial Intelligence In Computer Games

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Artificial intelligence (AI) in computer games covers the behavior and decision-making process of game-playing opponents (also known as non-player character or NPC). Current generations of computer and video games offer an amazingly interesting testbed for AI research and new ideas. Such games combine rich and complex environments with expertly developed, stable, physics-based simulation. They are real-time and very dynamic, encouraging fast and intelligent decisions. Computer games are also often multi agents, making teamwork, com- petition, and NPC modeling key elements to success. In commercial games, such as action games, role-playing games, and strategy games, the behavior of the NPC is usually implemented as a variation of sim- ple rule-based…show more content…
Similar to the mechanism of hearing, information from communication will be event-driven in the form of notifications. When an agent has useful information and comes within a certain distance of other agents, the information will be sent directly to the other agents. - Reaction Times While sensing the environment, it is important to build in artificial re- action times. Agents should not be able to see, hear, or communicate instantaneously. Since agents do sense the world instantaneously, simple timers can be used to simulate reaction times. 2. THINKING Once an agent has gathered information about the world through its senses, the information can be evaluated and a decision can be made. This thinking step is the crux of what most people consider true AI. There are two main ways to in which game agents make decision in games. The first is for the agent to rely on precoded expert knowledge, typically handcrafted through if-then rules. The second is for the agent to use a search algorithm to find a near optimal solution. - Expert Knowledge There are many techniques for encoding expert knowledge. These…show more content…
Search employs a search algorithm to discover a sequence of steps that will lead to an ideal state. If the possible moves are given then it is easy to explore the search space and find an optimal solution, if exists. Eg: MinMax 3. ACTING The game agents sensing and thinking steps are invisible to the player. Only the acting step is the step which player will be able to see. Hence, it is a very important step. If the agent is brilliant and the player never realizes it, the effort in making the agent will be a waste. Depending on the game, there will be many agent actions. Some com- mon ones are to change locations, play an animation, play a sound effect, and fire a weapon. The subtlety with which the agent carries out its actions will place an enormous burden on the variety and aes- thetic quality of the animations and sound effects. 4. LEARNING AND REMEMBERING Learning and remembering will form an optional step to the sense- think-act cycle. Without this step the game agent will not update and will never benefit from past events or information it witnessed or told. 5For game agents, learning is the process of remembering specific

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