Essay Statement Of Purpose For Computer Science

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Statement Of Purpose Name: Vansh Shah Course: MS in Computer Science The world of Computer Technology has witnessed incredible growth and development over past two decades. It has evolved at such pace and so radically that it has transformed the world into digital globe. And while a lot has happened within the world of Computer field, a lot remains to be done. It is one of the most challenging fields as it not only meets needs but has the power to create new needs, rules and totally new environments of its own. My decision to focus on a career in Computer Science was due to my fascination for Computers and Software. I belong to a well-educated family. I was motivated by my parents who successfully completed their graduation in their respective fields of interest. My innate strengths have been quantitative and analytical skills, which instilled in me a special interest for mathematics and Science in my High School. My goal is to be able to use my knowledge in basic, management, Information science and good…show more content…
Definition of my project: Table Grabber. It has smooth user interface, Gps to locate near-by restaurants, payment gateway and rich graphics. It was a thrilling moment when I scored AA grade for my project. Moreover, I have consistently achieved good grades in my under graduation, finishing off with a praiseworthy 8.28 CGPA. I got failed in one subject during the first semester which was related to civil engineering field which I cleared in third attempt and after that this thing never happened again. This one subject is counted as my only backlog throughout the four years of engineering. Along with academic syllabus, I had successfully completed one year training in Android Technology at DIGIMATION UK. Here I was awarded with Certificate of Excellence with A+ grade. I did 3 projects through-out the year out of which one was my final year

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