Anticoagulation Case Study

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INTRODUCTION Anticoagulation clinics/services are established to monitor and manage the medications which are used by the patients to prevent thromboembolic events (1) and they can easily understand the complications, etiopathogenesis and quickly provide specific therapeutic interventions in emergency conditions (2). Coumarinic oral-anticoagulants (COA) like Warfarin, Acenocoumarol and Phenprocoumol are most commonly prescribed drugs for managing problems associated with blood coagulation in patients with Atrial fibrillation (AF), Heart valve replacement (HVR), Deep vein thrombosis (DVT), Pulmonary embolism (PE) and also in patients who had undergone Orthopedic surgery. In North India, Acenocoumarol is widely used drug instead of Warfarin.…show more content…
It is important to manage anticoagulation therapy of patients in a department like cardiology as there are many drug related problems and patient non-compliance which are the common aspects and hence there is a need for better pharmaceutical care and effective care that can be provided by a clinical pharmacist. Clinical pharmacist can also bring expertise in managing oral and parenteral anticoagulation therapy of both inpatients and outpatients by providing important information regarding therapy through effective counseling and about potential…show more content…
The role of the clinical pharmacist includes therapeutic drug monitoring, Warfarin dosage adjustment, management of Warfarin related and unrelated problems, effective patient counseling and education, and co-ordination of the anticoagulation clinic activities like following up of discharged patients, communicating with the patient regarding progresses and problems with physician etc. Apart from these, clinical pharmacist can also play an important role in monitoring INR values, early detection of signs and symptoms of hemorrhagic and thromboembolic events, drug-drug interactions, drug-food interactions, drug-disease interactions and improving patient compliance towards anticoagulant therapy (1). Proper educational guidance and monitoring of the INR status regularly is the only step for the successful anticoagulation

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