Andrew Weil

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Andrew Thomas Weil( born June 8, 1942) is a professor ,medical doctor, and a bestselling author on holistic health. He is also the founder and director of the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona. His Botany and he earned a M.D. from Harvard University in 1968 ( Weil’s is known for establishing the field of integrative medicine, which focuses to combine alternative and conventional medicine. Weil’s suggests that patients take conventional medicine as prescribed by physicians while incorporating alternative therapies such as omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, herbal remedies, meditation, as other spiritual strategies into their treatment plans. Weil’s has acknowledged that many individuals have influenced his philosophical ideas, spiritual teachings, and techniques to his approach to medicine. Individuals influenced him in and out of his professional life include the late osteopath Robert C. Fulford, who specialty was in cranial manipulation. Weil also respect the work of a psychologist named…show more content…
Weil also appeared on the cover of the Time magazine in 1997 and again in 2005 for books he had written and programs such as 8 Weeks to Optimum Health, Healthy Aging, and Spontaneous Healing. His 8 Week program, each week you encounter a new achievement. By the end of 8 weeks you end up with new habits that have accumulated little by little over the 8 week course. The course is broken down into a five part project; diet, supplements, exercise, mental and spiritual. By the end of the eight weeks in your diet you should have included: broccoli, fish or flax, organic fruits and vegetables, soy foods, whole grains, cooked greens, garlic and ginger. He also says to continue taking antioxidant supplements, walk, stretch daily, and practicing breathing. He wants you to enjoy flowers, nature, music and art and choose you news
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