Blood On The Moon Analysis

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An American Historian Edward Steers wrote Blood on the Moon, The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln. What makes this book so unique is that Steers focuses on Lincoln’s religion and assassination, unlike most biographical books that mainly only pay attention to his life and achievements as president. As stated in the introduction of this passage, Steers notes that there was not a single academic work that focused exclusively on the killing of the former President until 117 years after his death in the year of 1982. Although it remains unclear, many scholars contribute the lack of attention to Lincoln’s death on the overwhelming focus many historians have towards the Civil War and American Reconstruction which shortly followed the South’s surrender. The book guides the reader through how and why the assassination of the 16th United States President occurred. The murder of Lincoln is generally sensationalized as a conspiracy between John Wilkes Booth and numerous alleged groups based on often false information in order to…show more content…
It helped me understand who Lincoln’s killer really was. Something that I found so interesting was that Edward Gorsuch, a killer, touched booth. Edward Gorsuch owned acres of rich land in the south which of course had slaves on that land. Those slaves ended up escaping and years later Gorsuch received a location on those slaves, and he demanded an attack on them. When Gorsuch arrived at the villages, an instant violent outbreak occurred, and Gorsuch was hit with a club and died instantly. Edward Gorsuch decided to carry on his way of life, even if it ended in a source of death. Steers quoted that To his Southern countrymen, "He died for law." 25 To Northern abolitionists, he died in an evil cause receiving his just reward. Booth stated that he was personally touched by Edward Gorsuch because he fought for what he believed in even though it was in an evil

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