Dbq Indian Removal

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Prior to Jackson’s time, at least as far back as the Jefferson administration, the official stance of the U.S. Government toward Native Americans was one of assimilation. This policy involved attempts to civilize Indian groups by adopting “white ways”. In 1830 Jackson worked to pass the Indian Removal Act. This act appropriated funds to relocate Indian Tribes using force where needed to accomplish its goal. Federal authorities were sent to negotiate treaties and were able to do so fairly successfully with many southern tribes. According to Martin VanBuren, President Jackson’s number one priority was “removal of the Indians from the vicinity of the white population and their settlement beyond the Mississippi”. (J. Faragher, 2009) This agenda of course wasn’t necessarily easily accomplished as it was not a position held by all. Indian removal was supported by many Southerners and Westerners; however, many groups…show more content…
They were moved from their lands, yet again, even though many had done what previous federal administrations had asked of them. They gave up their way of life by converting to Christianity, starting businesses, farming, even owning black slaves. Even though wars were fought for the ideal that all men were created equal and should be given equal opportunity in life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, leaders of the time proved that these words were meaningless to many. What long-term effects did the forced removal of thousands of Indian Tribes from their lands have? It is really hard to say and I am sure there are many different opinions on the matter. Would America be better or worse off had we learned to live in peace with the Indian Tribes? I don’t know if that can really be answered, I am fairly certain though that the Indian Tribes of the 19th Century and probably the Indian Tribes of today would look much different had we simply learned to

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