Personal Narrative: My Learning Style Assessment

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School for me has never been the easiest, In fact it took me until 8th grade to figure out what I had to do, to become a better student. My learning style assessment comes from what I know that worked verse the many attempts that didn’t. As a student I have tried everything from total quiet, recording lectures and rewriting notes multiple times. I didnt find out what unlock my learning, until my 8th grade language arts teacher Mrs. Rubel. She discovered that I learned better when I had music in the room while I studied, wrote or took tests. The music seemed to stop the distractions, allowed me to focus on the job at hand not the time I’ve spent do it. During my pre-college times I never kept a journal, to see my writing progress. The clearest way I can see improvement is through my past report cards and through comparing myself to known learning strategies. I compared 8th-12th grade to 4th-7th. Where I saw a jump from B- average to B+ average. I can’t contribute it all to music in my place of study, because some improvement came from maturing. During this assessment I will be looking at report cards, modality and…show more content…
The group was called Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS). The HOTS group helped me to develop my metacognition, Inference from context, information synthesis and help build my confidence. The approaches I saw that helped me was best described as Socratocally, this is where teachers ask questions and through the question it allowed me to think of the right answer on my own. I gained abundant knowledge by playing games both with other students as well as computer educational games. I really found myself to be an auditory and hands on student, reading was still hard for me and even reading the same thing 2 to 3 times it still wouldnt sink in. Even through my first year of public school every one saw an improvement, I stayed in the program for the whole 5th grade

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