Analytical Skills Analysis

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Analytical Skills Analytical Skills are the ability to visualize, gather information, articulate, analyze, solve complex problems and make decisions (Cariaso & Regala, 2016). Analytical skills are essential in the classroom to ensure necessary problem solving occurs to keep productivity. According to Sternberg (2006), analytical skills are the skills primarily measured by traditional tests. Sternberg (2006) stated that analytical skills are important to a successful performance in college. According to Demiray, et. al. (2011), analyzing means breaking a whole into its parts to unearth the nature, function and relationships. Thus, analytical skills can mean many things, but one definition is it helps the learner improve and apply his learning…show more content…
Analytical thinking is a critical component of visual thinking that gives one the ability to solve problems quickly and effectively. It involves a methodical step-by-step approach to thinking that allows you to break down complex problems into single and manageable components. Analytical thinking involves the process of gathering relevant information and identifying key issues related to this information. This type of thinking also requires you to compare sets of data from different sources, identify possible cause and effect patterns, and draw appropriate conclusions from these data sets in order to arrive at appropriate…show more content…
Clearly, it indicates how the acceptable meaning will be developed by the existing grammatical rules. Hu (2012) cited that syntax and morphology are considered as the two fundamental ingredients in grammar. These two ingredients can be combined together as they determine how words can be organized to form a sentence in a grammatical way. Thus, the two factor will help learners acknowledge the grammatical forms properly so that they are able to express their meaning in an accurate way. Hence, this perception reveals the fact that language structure is governed by the language forms, providing speaker and listener identify how grammatical structure will be formed. Fluency Fluency is the ability to speak a language easily and well, or a language spoken easily without many pauses (Cambridge Dictionary). When a person is fluent, they can speak a language without difficulty, and quickly. When a language is fluent, it is spoken easily and the grammar is good. Thus, fluency has a great influence on the articulation of a speaker. According to Nelson (2010), she defined reading fluency as the ability to read with speed, accuracy and expression. According to Hooper (2010), fluency is how we easily speak, how well we speak, and how fluidly we read. A read who is not fluent may read very
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