Physiotherapy Personal Statement

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Throughout my studies, I have always had a keen interest in both Sport and Biology; therefore, a Sport Science degree is the perfect opportunity to combine these interests. In addition, it will enable me to have a more clear insight and learn more about the sporting environment and the biomechanics behind the movement of sport athletes. I have always enjoyed engaging in Physical Education and would like to follow my career in the field of sports science. Physiotherapy and Sports therapy in particular fascinate me and my objective is therefore to complete my university studies and continue to study in this field to fulfil my career aspiration of becoming a physiotherapist or sports therapist. In my A Level Biology class, I have undertaken many experiments and investigations that have developed my analytical and investigative skills that can be beneficial during my time at university. In addition, through research I have found out that this degree course is very scientific and by studying A level Biology, I have already adapted to working in a very scientific environment.…show more content…
However, alongside my A Levels, I am a qualified FA level 1 football coach that further emphasises my passion in Sports. From this, I have gained good leadership skills and it has further boosted my confidence, these are skills I wish to enhance at university. I have also acquired a qualification in first aid from which I have learned how to deal with life threatening injuries. I believe that I have the skills necessary for me to be successful in my course. These qualities include motivation, enthusiasm, commitment and good skills of analysis. These qualities will drive me to finishing the degree to a high standard and fulfil my career aspirations. As well as these skills, I am very punctual which will benefit me during my time at

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