Almond Case Study

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Almond (Prunus amygdalus, Prunus dulcis is a small deciduous tree belonging to the subfamily-Prunoideae of the family- Rosaceae. Almond is one of the major tree crops of the world, and is one of the oldest commercial nut crops of the world; from the middle and west Asia, it has diffused to other regions and continents which include the Middle East, China, the Mediterranean region and America. Beside its commercial use as a nut crop, the almond can be used for ornamental planting because of its beautiful white or pale pink flowers (Seams et al., 2014) There are two varieties, sweet almond (P. dulcis variety dulcis) and bitter almond (P. dulcis variety amara) edible type assumed as nuts and used in cooking or as a source of almond oil or almond…show more content…
This is in agreement with (Zulfiker et al., 2011) who previously reported that phytochemical screening of ethanolic extracts of S. dulcis which revealed the presence of flavonoid, alkaloid, tannin, carbohydrate, glycoside. Thus, the present investigation clearly show the aqueous extract showed milder antimicrobial activity against the gram positive, gram negative as well as fungus when compared to methanol extract, which certainly indicates that stronger extraction capacity of methanol could have shaped greater active constituents and these observations can be rationalized in terms of the polarity of the compounds being extracted by each…show more content…
curassavica leaves indicated the presence of glycosides and phenols in three different solvent extractions i.e., chloroform, ethyl acetate and methanol extractions Further, methanol extract showed the presence of steroids and glycosides at high quantity, whereas flavonoids and resins in low quantity .No significant groups of secondary metabolites were detected in chloroform and hexane extracts. Comparatively low concentrations of carboxylic acids, phenols and glycosides were present in chloroform extract than hexane extract. A positive result in less quantity of phenols, resins, quinones, steroids, tannins and fixed oils was obtained with petroleum sprit and ethyl acetate extracts. Alkaloids, tannins and coumarins were found completely absent in all the five solvent extracts.(Reddy et al.,

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