Allegory In Lord Of The Flies

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An allegory, a symbol which holds abstract meaning in concrete form. A literary element embraced by William Golding in his novel “Lord of the Flies” enhancing the novel by interpreting allegories within an abundance of characters to represent human nature. Ralph stands as a physical presence of leadership and the natural will to survive bringing to the table, civilization. Simon expresses natural human goodness and the voice of realization throughout the novel. Lastly, Jack also captures a recognizable trait in savagery and the common desire for power in humanity. Together, Ralph, Simon and Jack allow William Golding to create an allegory for humanity as a whole; evil is enstowed within us all it takes civilization and natural morality to…show more content…
“There's another thing. We can help them to find us. If a ship comes near the island they may not notice us. So we must make smoke on top of the mountain. We must make a fire.” “A fire! Make a fire!" (38) Ralph makes this statement sparking his view of a civilization and his drive to create a utopia on the island. Ralph furthermore creates a democracy by suggesting the rise of a chief which creates a system in which his priority is the smoke. As Ralph begins to notice the failure in the civilization he takes a stand stating. “We need an assembly. Not for fun. Not for laughing and falling off the log not for making jokes, or for- cleverness. But to put things straight.”(79). this is a solid example of how Ralph pushes to preserve basic living principles displaying his natural instinct to…show more content…
Simon displays acts of kindness throughout the story beginning with the Littluns, “found for them the fruit they could not reach, pulled off the choicest from up in the foliage, passed them back down to the endless, outstretched hands” (56.). Furthermore, Simon is the voice of realization and hope as he speaks to Ralph stating “You’ll get back to where you came from."(122). Simon is a Saintly or Christ like image on the island, he often walks by himself and embraces the natural beauty on the island. Dying a gruesome death lead by the pursuit to the truth of humanity Simon’s character can be related to the biblical character of Jesus Christ. Simon recognizes “What I mean is . . . maybe it’s only us”
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