Lord Of The Flies: Freudian Allegory

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Normal school boys left on an island is like being put in a class with no knowledge about it. That is how these boys started out. Lord of the Flies by William Golding explains how these boys survive on this island. Each one of the boys has unique characteristics. Ralph is a character that symbolizes the ego. Ralph represents the ego of the Freudian Allegory. At a late night assembly, Ralph discussed the issues on the island and reminded the boys “‘you voted me for chief. Now you do what I say’” which let the boys recognize the leadership in him (Golding 81). All of the boys have not been following the rules they made in the beginning. Ralph called an assembly to address this and he was presented as a leader from this action. While the hunters ate the meat “Ralph’s mouth watered. He meant to refuse meat, but his past diet of fruit and nuts, with an odd crab or fish, gave him too little resistance” knowing he does not have to be the leader here (Golding 73). The hunters were eating the meat from the pig they killed and Ralph originally refused to eat it. He decided against it and took a piece, letting go of having to be…show more content…
During an assembly, the beast was spoken of and “the storm broke. ‘Sit down!’ ‘Shut up!’ ‘Take the conch!’ ‘Sod you!’ ‘Shut up!’ Ralph shouted” trying to regain control of the boys (Golding 89). When one of the older boys on the island believes there actually is a beast, all of the boys start freaking out. Quickly, Ralph began to take control, calming them back down. On the way to check the beast on the mountain, the boys wanted to stay and roll rocks and Ralph shouting furiously “‘I say we’ll go on!’ ‘We’ve got to make certain. We’ll go now’” forced the boys silent (Golding 108). The boys wanted to camp out where they had stopped. There was no food, fresh water, or shelter at the location so Ralph insisted they continued up the mountain. Ralph become controlling at multiple times throughout their time on the

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