Summary Of Lord Of The Flies: Political Allegory

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The Lord of the Flies by William Golding, a story which has been studied and read for years. Although the novel can be read, on one level, simply as adventure fiction for young adults, Lord of the Flies is best understood in terms of political, religious, and psychological allegory. Since Golding is writing this book while the political setting of the real world is going through major changes, there is political allegory throughout the book. An example of the political allegory is Ralph’s conch because it represents democracy, hearings and/or the law. This is proven when the boys were initially having a meeting and once it started getting out of hand and the boys started rebelling, Ralph would reign them in and control them with the conch. “I’ll give the conch to the next person to speak” (Golding 31), this shows how much of an influence the conch has on the group. The conch would…show more content…
Another allegory is religious. Simon plays a huge role in the representation of religion in the novel. Simon truly connects with nature and even sacrifices himself for the other boys. During the sacrifice, the boys became savages and got farther away from their human selves. Once the sacrificial ritual was finished the boys humanity was more apparent and they realize the inhuman and monstrous act they have committed. Ralph is in denial about Simon's sacrifice, and he insist that he and the boys did in fact murder Simon. Ralph felt as if the humanity and the society which they know is being taken away and only the bad parts are remaining. Such as savagery and sins. “The world, that understandable and lawful world, was slipping away.”(98), Ralph believed that, just as Jesus came to save humanity and sacrificed himself to save mankind which was slipping away into darkness, the island and the boys were also slipping into a dark and sinful place. Simon was not only religious allegory but he also is the super

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