Allegory In Lord Of The Flies Essay

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The psychological allegory of desire is present through Jack who wants to hunt and kill the pig and does not care about being rescued, unlike the other boys, to show that desire is going to be ahead of others needs. Jack “[is] going to” kill the pig but he “ [is] choosing a place; but vows that he will get is “ next time”(Golding 30). Jack was starting to have the desire to kill the pig that he did not get the first time. The psychological allegory of Jack being the Id starts when he sees the pig but is unable to kill the and it is important because this causes chaos that will kill people and destroy the island. Once a desire starts within Jack, it will be hard to stop the desire because if Jack does not accomplish the desire there will be a great vexation in that person’s…show more content…
Jack is saying that catching a pig is important as being rescued and believes that the other’s needs are on the same level as his wants. The Id ,Jack, starts to think about himself and causes trouble and pain throughout rest of the book. As a desire starts to grow, Jack might think that what he wants to do is important as group’s wants and needs and starts to think about themselves only. Ralph is mad at Jack because he does not help with “build[ing] huts” but instead he “go[es] off hunting and let[s] the fire out’ and delays the rescue of the boys. Jack puts his desire in front of the other’s needs and thinks that catching the pig is more important than being rescued. The wants of Jack puts a hold on the boys’ wants of being rescued because when he goes off hunting with the other boys, Jack and his group forgets to light the mountain and ship passes by but does not see boys because there is not fire at the peak of the island. When desire hits its last form, the needs of others are put behind the wants of a

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