Algorithms In Computer Science

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“Computer Science is the study of recipes and ways to carry them out. A recipe is a procedure or method for doing something. The science studies kinds of recipes, the properties of recipes, languages for writing them down, methods for creating them, and the construction of machines that will carry them out. Of course, computer scientists want to distinguish themselves from chefs, so they have their own name for recipes – they call them algorithms.” (Biermann, 1998) Algorithms can be simply defined as step by step processes to solving a given problem, where most algorithms would need a way of communication, a language to understand, a basic structure to follow, a method to reduce available data and a basic system to store any important data.…show more content…
For this we create and engineer software. Software is a set of sequenced steps and instructions that are coded within itself with a graphical user interface where it will easily allow a user (assuming he/she knows how to use the software) to manipulate and perform specific tasks (Jennings, 1999). With this being said, we must keep in mind that software and a program are two different things. A program is an executable code which serves a computational purpose, however, software is a collection of executable programming code libraries and documentation. The development of software using well defined scientific methods and principles is called Software Engineering. Software engineering will remain an important branch in the study of computer science because it is a systematic, disciplined and quantifiable approach to the operation, maintenance and development of software is applied (Jennings,…show more content…
A database system is a software that manages data and information structured as fields, records and files. Database systems are designed in three levels; the physical level, which is the lowest, the logical level, which is the middle level, and the View level, which is the highest (Singh, 2012). The physical level describes how data is actually stored in a database. The logical level is more like the abstraction architecture and manages what data is stored in the database. The highest level is the view level and it deals with the user interaction with the database system. Without a proper database system in place, it would be very difficult for a lot of programs and software to be executed properly because they might have difficulties locating and retrieving files, storing them and creating new data. For this reason, the branch of database systems is a very important aspect of computer science as a
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