Agriculture Sector In Pakistan

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Agriculture Sector: Current Status and Vulnerability In Pakistan both agriculture & livestock sectors are the foundation of the national economy. These sectors are contributing 21% to GDP, accounts for more than 60% of nation’s exports. Moreover, the same sector is providing livelihood to 66% of the people living in rural areas and employs 42% of the labour force of country. The leading challenge facing the sector is to effectively supply of the food & fiber basic necessities of a growing age without irretrievably damaging the weak ecosystem. At present agriculture & livestock sectors are highly vulnerable/exposed to climate change or global warming phenomena. Due to climate change adverse impacts on food security primarily through reduction…show more content…
Pakistan contributes very little to the green house gases and global pollution but it is one of the most vulnerable countries in terms of the impending impact of climate change in years to come. In Pakistan these adverse impacts may cause dents from economic benefits, environmental services, and socio-cultural values derived from agriculture and its allied sectors. Because, agriculture sector is the mainstay of country’s economy and supports our entire food chain and social structure. It is the second largest economic sector, accounting for over 21% of GDP. It remains by far the largest employer in the country and absorbs 45% of the country’s total labour force. Furthermore, agriculture and its allied sectors are considered backbone of our economy and provide crucial inputs and support to livelihood. Our agriculture is primarily dependent upon the Indus river system which originates from the glaciers that have been receding at an alarming pace in recent years. The continuous rise in temperature threatens the eco system that sustains our rivers which in turn threatens our agriculture and hence the whole economy. The threat posed by…show more content…
o New a forestation and reforestation programmes in all provinces may be encouraged. o Use of LPG may be encouraged in hilly/mountainous areas for decreasing of fuel wood use. o Decrease losses of irrigation water and use the maximum probable degree by plummeting seepage from the canals and sharing networks by adopting new irrigation techniques. o Construct large reservoir of water storages on Indus and its streams to make sure no flow of Indus water down Kotri, during high flood period as well as protection of unnecessary arrival of sea water in the Indus deltaic regions. Legislate new industrial and domestic waste water policy to protect environment particularly water resources from further deprivation. o Protection of groundwater by managerial and technological procedures like dogmatic framework, artificial recharge and local rain harvesting measures. o Recover effectiveness of about one million ground water pumping units which are at present operating at typical efficiency of 25-30%. o Formulate National Water Law for better control and

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