Essay On Climate Change In Pakistan

2979 Words12 Pages
1-Abstract: Health is an important aspect of human wellbeing. It improves the capabilities of people who recognized as the end mean of development. The ability to live longer and healthier is also found as a basic human right. But the toxic chemicals emission due to human activities causes the direct exhaustion of earth’s ozone layer which affects at least three basic requirements for maintaining good health: clean air, water, and food. The climate in Pakistan is slowly but surely changing. This is a wakeup call for all of us as Pakistan is among the top twenty global warming hotspots in the world. Pakistan has a low adaptive capacity and no adaptability plan due to limited economic resources. This study demonstrates the climate variability…show more content…
Pakistan is more vulnerable toward changes in climate not because of low income rate, low to average health status and low capacity to cope with the changes but also on the basis of its geographical location and agriculture practice toward climate. 2.2-Review of Research studies and findings on climate change in Pakistan: Global warming is a relatively new area of research in Pakistan. There is very few research and teaching organizations working in this area and most of them have a narrow focus. But due to increasing effects of climatic changes in Pakistan create a greater interest at both academic and policy level toward this issue in Pakistan. A few universities and teaching institutes have climate change studies centers. These include Quaid-e-Azam University; Pakistan Institute of Development Economics and Karachi University are few prominent one. Research studies on climate change in Pakistan can broadly be divided into two group: 1) those that provide future scenarios of climate change in Pakistan and 2) those that look are the impact of past and future projected trends in temperature on various sector such as agriculture, water, and forest etc. This section is covered with some prominent studies and findings of global

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