Agricultural Marketing In India

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The word ‘agriculture’ comes from the latin words ‘ager’, referring to the ‘soil’& ‘cultura’ to its cultivation. Agriculture can be defined as the cultivation, production of crop, plants or live-stock products. It is synonymous with farming. Agricultural geographers used the word ‘agriculture’ to cover both cropping & grazing. Agriculture still being the dominant economic activity in the developing world. It has great potential for those who are interested in the spatial distribution of agricultural systems & agricultural processes. Agricultural geography is spatial variations of land use, cropping pattern’s, crop concentrations, crop combinations, agricultural productivity, agricultural regionalization & regional inequalities in agricultural…show more content…
This area must be properly treated and restored to its original fertility. 7. Agricultural Marketing: Agricultural marketing still continues to be in a bad shape in rural India. In the absence of sound marketing facilities, the farmers have to depend upon local traders and middlemen for the disposal of their farm produce which is sold at throw-away price.In most cases, these farmers are forced, under socio-economic conditions, to carry on distress sale of their produce. In most of small villages, the farmers sell their produce to the money lender from whom they usually borrow money. 8. Inadequate storage facilities: Storage facilities in the rural areas are either totally absent or grossly inadequate. Under such conditions the farmers are compelled to sell their produce immediately after the harvest at the prevailing market prices which are bound to be low. Such distress sale deprives the farmers of their legitimate income.The Parse Committee estimated the post-harvest losses at 9.3 per cent of which nearly 6.6 per cent occurred due to poor storage conditions alone. Scientific storage is, therefore, very essential to avoid losses and to benefit the farmers and the consumers…show more content…
The role of capital input is becoming more and more important with the advancement of farm technology. Since the agriculturists’ capital is locked up in his lands and stocks, he is obliged to borrow money for stimulating the tempo of agricultural production. The main suppliers of money to the farmer are the money-lenders, traders and commission agents who charge high rate of interest and purchase the agricultural produce at very low price. All India Rural Credit Survey Committee showed that in 1950-51 the share of money lenders stood at as high as 68.6 per cent of the total rural credit and in 1975-76 their share declined to 43 per cent of the credit needs of the

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