Against Dress Codes

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Dress codes receive opposition for many reasons, one being that they take any basic rights of expression. American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) President Nadine Strossen acknowledged, “The harms [of dress codes] are many. From a free speech point of view, they prevent students from expressing themselves, either directly, such as through a tee shirt that contains a message or indirectly, by conveying attitudes through apparel,” (Rep.). For adolescents, their high school years are when they find themselves. Truly finding ones identity is a difficult task and only made harder when everything is regulated. Removing an important part of self-expression, style of dress, amounts to negative effects. A junior at Stamford High, Michael Bowies exclaimed that, “by telling us [the students] what we can wear, they are taking away our diversity as people and cultures,” (Pardon). As early as (and most likely before) the popularization of the miniskirt in the 1960s, dress codes met resistance from its students (Morris). Students found that being unable dress according to current fashion goes against their rights. They believe these dress codes are “arbitrary, demeaning, antiquated and an outrageous violation of their freedom of expression,” (Are). However, these students are not simply making a claim; as found multiple…show more content…
In the 1972 Gardner v. Cumberland School Committee case, it was found that students could not be forbidden from wearing a maxi-coat in the school (Know). In a still pending case, Alan Newsom sued his school after he was told to remove a t-shirt he received at a National Rifle Association camp. He is predicted to win as the school’s dress code was found to be “too broad—and may be unconstitutional,” (Haynes). This is a small sample of the lawsuits that have been filed regarding dress codes. What do they all have in common? The student
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