Domestic Violence Annotated Bibliography

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Annotated Bibliography for Domestic Violence The issue of domestic violence still prevails in the supposed “modern era”. The mentalities of this generation are not much different from those who belonged to primitive ideas and myths of social oppressions. The curse of domestic violence is a result of authoritative point of views and ideas that still prevail in our society. The phenomenon is affecting several lives in various forms regardless of their color, culture, gender or social status. This can be the result of psychological disorders or certain complexes too. The violence can take the form of physical and mental violations or emotional tortures. CDC, (2015). Prevent Domestic Violence in Your Community.…show more content…
Along with that the article also gives the tips for avoiding any such occurrence to take place. The domestic violence is defined as a form of sexual or physical violence by one of the intimate partners. The article covers the result of a study, which indicates that both men and women have been victimized by such violations at a certain point in their life, even before they turned twenty-five. The figures show that the ratio of female victims is greater in every respect than that of men, which shows the dominating nature of men. In the end it is suggested that it is better to prevent such situations beforehand, which can result in such violations so that one never has to go through such humiliating experience. My assessment: The article indicates that the crisis can be controlled through adoption of proper strategies that promote respect and mutual understanding so that nobody ends up getting ashamed, hurt or humiliated. The article has been really…show more content…
The article covered the outcomes of a study conducted in Holland, in which they used questionnaires to find out that men are equally tormented and tortured by their female partners, on various occasions. The study revealed that the reason why these examples of violation never showed up was because they are not generally reported because of the non-serious behavior of police towards male victims. The article suggests that men need equal support and sympathies in this domain as does women, the issue is double ended, not

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