Advantages Of File Sharing System

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ABSTRACT This solution presented consists of a user-friendly web based application for accessing lecture files and resources on a server. Users are required to have a browser and login details (such as their index number and a password) to access shared files and resource materials without reliance on an internet connection. The platform can be deployed in educational institutions, research facilities etc. This system accommodates all forms of manual work been done in the process of file sharing. The platform offers the user the ability to view resource materials whilst on campus without the need of an internet connection, but just an electronic device with a browser that can connect to the built Local Area Network (LAN). Users also…show more content…
It has evolved from linking two computers to linking mobile phones, computers, PDAs and other electronic devices and linking users all over the globe with the help of the internet and other networking mediums. People all over the world desire to share information and resources amongst themselves and therefore require a network (i.e. public or private) as a means that ensures confidentiality, integrity, availability, reliability etc., which is cheap, easy, fast and secure. The file sharing system of Ghana Technology University College is tailored for use between selected staff personnel of the school. Other file sharing systems created for students rely also on internet availability. In a continent where although internet availability is rapidly growing, there are still major challenges in real time dependency on such a service due to over reliance especially in populated areas. The design and construction of an effective intranet file sharing system would enable more students and staff, access and share resources and other related materials easily and faster, but also more secured. Also, the new system is tailored to work without an installation on a set…show more content…
Also, there's always an over reliance on the bandwidth provided by the school for research materials and other academic work. Students tend to use the internet to download the same information repeatedly or as a means of sharing files in cases where there’s no physical removable storage medium to share files. Due to high dependency and reliance on the available internet connection the internet is often down and students face challenges in accessing online materials or the school’s online portal that requires an internet connection to access. They sometimes even go to the extent of spending extra money for internet service at a fee. In accessing hard copy research materials also students are faced with less materials for all students or congestion in the school library. 1.3 PROJECT OBJECTIVE This project is aimed at achieving the following:  To improve academic performance by making access to lecture slides and academic resources easier for students.  Augmenting interaction and the flow of information among all categories of students and lecturers.  Enhancing the involvement of students in school and faculty related activities. 1.4 AIMS  Reduce over reliance on the school’s internet.  Reduce congestion in libraries  Enable an efficient use of resources between
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