Enlightenment Age Of Enlightenment

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The Light of Reason—the Age of Enlightenment thought’s awakening “Men are born and remain free and equal in rights. Social distinctions may be founded only upon the general good.” In the late 18th century, innate rights of man, free and equal ideas have been around. The win of American Revolution, the success of Great French Revolution and grow up of the bourgeoisie and capitalism, all of these made the glory of the liberation of thinking and theory to these historic junctures is the Enlightenment. The Age of Enlightenment was a philosophical movement which dominated the world of ideas in Europe in the 18th century. The principle goals of Enlightenment thinkers were: liberty, progress, reason, tolerance, fraternity and ending the abuses of…show more content…
American war of Independence is a war among the British Empire, the revolutionaries of the Thirteen America colonies and a few European powers. Since the British colonial exploitation seriously hindered the development of capitalism. In order to against the British economic policy, caused North American people threw themselves into the anti-England struggle. 1773A.D., the political protest that led by the folk resistance organization of colony “Son of Liberty” , to against the British government levied tax in colonies, took this opportunity to control colonial government and opposed East India company came from Britain who wanted to exploit bill to monopolize the tea import trade in North American Revolution. Following on April 18, 1775, the gun of Lexington lifted the curtain on American Revolution. 1777 A.D., the American victory at Saratoga was a turning point in the revolution was a turning point in the revolution and led to French recognition and participation in the colonial cause. Erenow, “The Declaration of Independence” was published a constitution to make sure tripartite political systemic republic of America, and Washington became the first president in United States, the America Revolution finished the colocial control of the British Empire, achieved independent of the country, established democratic capitalist democratic politics, in favor of the development of capitalism, and played a guiding…show more content…
People began to consider nature and society. Then, modern science commenced to develop, and caused the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution is the early course of the capitalism, or the production of the capitalism finished the transition stage from factory manufacturing to modern industry. It is a revolution of production and technology that labour power was displaced by machine, and the manual production of the widely different plant phenotypes was replaced by large –scale industrial production. In the 18th century, the bourgeoisie’s govern was growing in the Britain. The hand-made of factory manufacturing couldn’t be satisfied in the wake of marketing requirement’s increasing. Previously, bourgeois revolution abolished feudalism, elimed all kinds of constraint that prejudiced the development of capitalism, and created significant political assumption for the Industrial Revolution. In the mid-18th century, Hargreaves invented spinning Jenny, and it marked begin of the Industrial Revolution. In 1760s-1850s, it is the age of steam. Watt absorbed the result of ancestors, created the first steam engine that has a pragmatic value in the world. The invention and use of the steam engines, human began to enter the age of steam. Between the later 19th century and the early 20th century, it is the age of electric, and reach the top of information revolution.
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