Mixed Refrigerant Analysis

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Description of the section The refrigeration process of mixed refrigerant cycle consists of three compression units and heat exchangers which are connected in the sequences of main cycle. In this part, the second compression process of the mixed refrigerant (MR) will be described in the primary cryogenic process. The stream that leaves the first heat exchange unit enters the second compressor. The large amount of energy is used in the compression process due to the high rotation and fluid movement inside the compressing device. This refrigeration cycle decreases the stream temperature until -360 C at the end of the process. The mixed refrigerant is directed to the process as a cold utility. The stream - S39 directed from the…show more content…
The ideal gas laws are not referred to the gas mixture as it is related to real gases. So, the equation will add Z factor to a general ideal gas formula. Therefore, the adiabatic constant – γ should be determined using the equation:γ=Cp/Cv , where Cp is the molar heat capacity and γ is adiabatic constant. This constant can also be found through the tables, but for this case, the analytical approach is preferable due to accuracy. C_p=C_v+R; Cp is calculated and the results shown in Table 4. γ=C_p/C_v =C_p/(C_p-R)=44.899/(44.899-8.314)= 1.23 Step 2. The inlet compressibility factor calculation The reduced pressure and temperature values should be known for the determination of the factor value via using the compressibility factor chart from the textbook (Coulson & Richardson, volume 6, page 87, figure 3.8) Calculations of reduced P and T values for the inlet stream: P_r=P_inlet/P_c =22.9/46.4=0.494; T_r=T_inlet/T_c

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