Advantages And Disadvantages Of Virtual World

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Had a meeting today with somebody who is pursuing for so yearn for some official presentation. Being a senior person, he joined the whole group. Amazing!!! Gave an extremely decent acquaintance and gave over with his lesser buddy to take it forward. The presentation nearly keep running for 40/45 minutes however what was the most exasperating in the whole presentation is the senior person's fixation on his phone. After consistently, he simply checked for any notification or in the event that he has missed any call or any whatssapp jokes or any remark on his social profile. Trust me; it is not in the slightest degree engaging me. In any case, then I consider over and resembled, he is not alone. There are numerous individuals around us for whom being in a virtual world is real to the point that checking online is as basic as taking in. As an era, we think we are one cool individuals in the town, everything (actually, everything is only a tick away), indeed our family companions, even they are only a tick away or we believe as much. This click away trend has probably eased out our life in many ways. Right from, having our pizza from our most loved joint, ordering a designer dress for…show more content…
It permits them to vent out their feelings (outrage/disappointment, love, stress) so well and that too without harming anybody. They have almost a complete control on what people can perceive them or rather what they want people to perceive them. They have made an illusion of being the happiest, having a joyful life. They have intentionally and unintentionally made a wall not to see this real world outside. They can't see that behind making that one glad minute some person had slogged the whole week in office, to get one occasion some individual had a truly tough time with his manager and only a day prior to posting an upbeat pic with the parents saying cheerful father's day/ mother’s day didn’t get five minutes to visit

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