Advantages And Disadvantages Of The Communication Process In The Organization

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Task 1.4 Communication process in the organization [LO3.1] Communication is the process of exchanging information, news, ideas or thoughts by form of speech, writing or signs. It is a key function of an organization and a key factor for good job performance of the employee which in turn leads to the success of the company. The communication process is a sequence of steps taken for the flow of information from one party to the next. Diagram 1.4.1 Communication Process The key elements are the Sender and the Receiver. The sender encodes the information into a message and sends it through a communication media and telephone, email etc. The receiver then decodes/interprets the message. Response is the reaction of the receiver and feedback is the response communicated back to the sender. Noise is an external source of disturbance during…show more content…
Depends on technology. Diagram 1.5.1 Advantages and Disadvantages of current communication process within Brandix The company heavily relies on technology. Although it is an advantage to increasing the efficiency of the company, it includes risk of fraud/hacking and errors in the system. All data is stored in one main computer server and can be lost at any time due to a large scale technical failure or power outage. This means all previous important data will be lost. To mitigate these factors the company needs to implement initiatives to overlook the operations of the system. Security systems should be built for the softwares and networks, and monthly changes of log in details should be seen to. This is especially important after an employee hands in their resignation. The system can also be supervised daily to ensure smooth and accurate

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