Herman Miller Primer Case Study

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Contents Student declaration 2 TASK 1 3 TASK 2 PART ONE 6 COST LEADERSHIP 6 DIFFERENTIATION 6 FOCUS 6 Statement and Confirmation of Own Work B.Sc. (Year 3)ABC Student declaration I have read and understood the instructions on the cover sheet for this assignment on Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism. I can confirm the following details to be true: Student Id: CIS13-039 Name: KGOTSO MOILWA Module Name: BUSINESS INFORMATION SYSTEMS Lecturer: TC I can confirm that this is my own work and that I have not plagiarized any part of it. I have also noted that the assessment criteria and pass mark for assignments. Due Date: 23-11-2015 TASK 1 a) Herman miller primer is a reformer of interior furnishing, furniture and systems. It falls…show more content…
They sometimes have a say in the running of the business. TASK 2 PART TWO a) Opportunities in most cases are influenced by the decrement of threats in an environment. More threats means less opportunities while more opportunities means less threats. b) The market in which Bryant Homes Company is in is crowded to the point that companies now copy each other’s ideas so there is not much differentiation in terms of the products and services they offer. c) The purpose of SWOT ANALYSIS which stands for Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities and Threats is to have decision makers to analyze everything that could impact the success of a new project. The strengths tell us about the competitive advantage we have over our rivals, weaknesses are sections in which the company are at a competitive disadvantage. Opportunities are those things that may help us in gaining competitive advantage while threats are those that may lead us to a competitive disadvantage. d) • Valuable resources • Rare resources • Resources that are costly to replicate/imitable • The organization being able to use their resources to their own advantage

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